Course Catalog

EMER 86005 Ultrasound and Toxicology

On the Medical Toxicology Consult Service students are expected to function independently as acting interns on the team, under the guidance of a board-certified toxicologist. Responsibilities include evaluation of new toxicology patients, independent formulation of differentials and care plans, rounding on admitted patients when consulted, and determining the appropriate disposition of the patient following completion of their care. Additionally, students will receive prescribed reading assignments, as well as both lectures and informal bedside teaching in the field of medical toxicology, and will prepare a brief didactic presentation on a toxicology subject of their choice. During the Ultrasound portion of the rotation, students will have the opportunity to learn and practice alongside rotating Emergency Medicine interns and senior residents in a graduated, comprehensive introduction to Clinical Ultrasound. Students will begin by receiving didactic teaching in all core point-of-care ultrasound modalities, graduate to hands-on proctored scanning under the direction of Fellowship-trained Emergency Physicians, and then be allowed to scan independently in the Emergency Department. Students are an integral part of the Clinical Ultrasound team, joining more senior learners, the Fellow, and Director in all activities, including transvaginal simulator training and weekly image review and teaching.
