Student Records and Registration and Credentialing
The School of Medicine is dedicated to protecting student records and other data collected throughout medical school. Students are required to maintain credentialing documentation (i.e. immunizations, criminal background, and clinical paperwork) for continued enrollment and clinical rotations, so it is important that students adhere to all requests in a timely manner. Our office also verifies enrollment status for loan deferments, jury duty, insurance discounts, in addition to official transcripts and other documents required for medical licensure.
For more information, contact us at
The School of Medicine Assessment and Promotion Conflicts of Interests Policy defines conflicts of interest in assessment and promotion to include professionals who deliver health-care and/or psychiatric/psychological services to a School of Medicine student.
As outlined in the policy:
• A faculty member must notify a course or clerkship director when they realize they are assigned a student for whom they represent a conflict of interest in assessment or promotion. A faculty member who serves on any committee informing student progress, promotion, or disciplinary action must notify the committee chair of any conflict.
• A student who realizes that there is the potential of conflict of interest in assessment or promotion must immediately notify the course or clerkship director. Once the notification of a conflict of interest is made by a student, the assistant dean for student affairs will collaborate with the course or clerkship director and the associate dean for curriculum to reassign the student or advise recusal from promotion decisions.
These provisions prevent any preceptor, who must assess their student, from teaching students with whom they have a conflict of interest.
Faculty are notified of the policy during new faculty onboarding, and the policy also is located in the school of medicine faculty handbook. Residents are notified of these policies through the resident as educator online orientation module and the policy is outlined in each course and clerkship syllabus.
Each student policy is in the School of Medicine student handbook. Students must annually acknowledge compliance with all School of Medicine policies via a review of the student handbook, including but not limited to the Security, Safety, and Emergency Preparedness Policy. Students receive e-mail notifications from myRecordTracker to inform them when items are due. Continuing students complete this process in May and June of each year, and new students complete this process in June and July upon matriculation. In addition, the policies are in the student handbook and in each course or clerkship syllabus.
Student health records maintained by the TCU Brown-Lupton Health Center and the TCU Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC) are stored at the site of care and are protected by Texas privacy laws and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). School of Medicine personnel do not have access to these student health care records and there are no exceptions to the imposed access regulations. Health- and/or psychiatric/psychological care providers at the TCU Brown-Lupton Health Center and the CMHC do not hold faculty appointments with the School of Medicine and therefore are not involved in the education, assessment, or promotion of School of Medicine students. Furthermore, the TCU student health portal allows students to securely communicate with the TCU Brown-Lupton Health Center and the CMHC using their unique TCU credentials.